Equipment Rental For New Filmmakers

Professional filmmaking equipment for New Jersey filmmakers. We provide cameras, sound, lighting and more with discounts to students and new filmmakers.


We specialize in equipment for short film production, facilitating new filmmakers with free guidance and support. Our priority is getting new filmmakers making movies and giving them the tools to break into the film industry.

From Short Films To Feature Movies 

Short Films are a well established Entry Point to the Film Industry. Here are a few that have gone on to be made into Features and receive worldwide acclaim. 

SAW (Saw) 2004

Whiplash (Whiplash) 2014

District 9 (Alive in Joburg) 2009

Napoleon Dynamite (Peluca) 2004

Obvious Child (Obvious Child) 2014

The Evil Dead (Within The Woods) 1981

Mr Malcolm’s List (Mr Malcolm’s List) 2022